Heterocosmica II

Heterocosmica II

Doležel, Lubomír

Heterocosmica II: The Fictitious Worlds of Czech Postmodern Prose is an independent book, although it is intrinsically connected with Het...

Fikční světy postmoderní české prózy

published: october 2014
recommended price: 210 czk


Grafy, mapy, stromy

Grafy, mapy, stromy

Moretti, Franco

This book strives to explain literary history to those in other fields in the humanities using tools originally developed for different r...

Abstraktní modely literární historie

published: january 2015
recommended price: 160 czk


Gérard de Nerval a jeho dvojenec

Gérard de Nerval a jeho dvojenec

Christov, Petr

Gérard de Nerval, playwright and poet, one of the most significant figures of French romanticism, defies a rigid classification as any tr...

Divadlo francouzského romantismu očima melancholika

published: june 2017
recommended price: 360 czk


Filologické studie 2019

Filologické studie 2019

kolektiv autorů,

In this book, contemporary world and Czech fiction is defined as fiction written during the previous two decades, approximately starting ...

Historie, paměť a identita v současné světové a české próze

published: february 2020
recommended price: 280 czk


Filologické studie 2014

Filologické studie 2014

kolektiv autorů,

The third volume of this monographic series published by Charles University’s Faculty of Education strives to address the currently highl...

Canon. Otázky kánonu v literatuře a vzdělávání

published: april 2015
recommended price: 150 czk


Filologické studie 2012

Filologické studie 2012

kolektiv autorů,

This volume from a renewed series of Studies in Philology of the Faculty of Education, Charles University, presents a set of papers cover...

Chronos – Logos – Topos v současném filologickém bádání

published: may 2013
recommended price: 165 czk


Fiktivní a imaginární

Fiktivní a imaginární

Iser, Wolfgang

This classical work written by the famous professor of English and literary science associated with the Constance School demonstrates two...

Perspektivy literární antropologie

published: may 2017
recommended price: 390 czk
