Jazyk v kontextu kultury

Jazyk v kontextu kultury

Bartmiński, Jerzy

Jerzy Bartmiński (1939) is one of the most important Polish and European linguists, prominent figure in the field of modern ethnolinguist...

Dvanáct statí z lublinské kognitivní etnolinvistiky

published: may 2016
recommended price: 220 czk


Jazyk a slovník

Jazyk a slovník

Čermák, František

This comprehensive book, Language and Lexicon, presents a selection of studies taken from the author’s fifty years of reflection on langu...

Vybrané lingvistické studie

published: september 2014
recommended price: 430 czk


Jazyk a myšlení

Jazyk a myšlení

Imaiová, Mucumi

Through language, we are able to both view and think about the world around us. Does this mean that the perception of the reality and thi...

published: november 2017
recommended price: 220 czk


Jazyk a jazykověda

Jazyk a jazykověda

Čermák, František

The third edition of this established publication on linguistics provides a comprehensive overview of common as well as less common infor...

Přehled a slovníky

published: november 2022
recommended price: 210 czk


Jazyk – jeho český příběh

Jazyk – jeho český příběh

Marvan, Jiří

It is impossible to make sense of the modern linguistic world of the Czech language with all of its magnitude and diversity or to find on...

Prvních tisíc let 800-1800: Malý průvodce cestami české lingvoekologie

published: may 2015
recommended price: 470 czk
