Kundra, OndřejFamed Czech Avant-garde photographer Jan Lukas snapped an offhand portrait of twelve-year-old Vendulka Vogl in March 1943. A friend of th...
Flight to Freedom
published: february 2021
recommended price: 320 czk
Famed Czech Avant-garde photographer Jan Lukas snapped an offhand portrait of twelve-year-old Vendulka Vogl in March 1943. A friend of th...
Flight to Freedom
published: february 2021
recommended price: 320 czk
When the sun falls below the horizon, darkness spreads above our heads. Why? Why is the sky dark at night? If you don't know why, you nee...
published: february 2021
recommended price: 200 czk
Das Buch Spielräume der modernen linguistischen Forschung bietet Einblicke in die moderne linguistische Forschung. Die einzelnen Beiträge...
published: february 2021
recommended price: 290 czk
Although dozens of publications on Nazism and fascism are published annually, a book covering the theory of fascism from a diachronic per...
Úvod do komparativních studií fašismu
published: february 2021
recommended price: 250 czk
A philosopher should have the courage to remain on the border between different disciplines and become a mediator between them, but to st...
K životnímu jubileu Miroslava Petříčka
published: february 2021
recommended price: 390 czk
Are you considering studying German at the university? Or are you already studying German at the university and just want to refresh your...
Sbírka testových úloh z německé gramatiky
published: february 2021
recommended price: 150 czk
This time, František Koukolík's new book is intended for a wider audience of readers. Its non-traditional, somewhat symbolic name for str...
Lidé v roce 2021
published: february 2021
recommended price: 310 czk
This book is the first monograph devoted to the preaching of the Unity of Brethren in the 16th century against the backdrop of reformatio...
Reformní kazatelství Jana Augusty v kontextu homiletiky Jednoty bratrské
published: february 2021
recommended price: 360 czk
Ovládnutím území k efektivnímu naplnění cílů radikálního islámu?
published: january 2021
recommended price: 390 czk
This handbook provide clear yet sufficiently comprehensive guidelines for situations that may arise in connection with plagiarism in the ...
A Handbook for Academic Staff
published: january 2021
Slovenščina ni težka. Slovenian is not difficult is a university textbook of Slovenian for beginners, intended for Czech Slovenian and Sl...
published: january 2021
recommended price: 420 czk
P. Adolf Kajpr SJ (1902–1959)
published: january 2021
recommended price: 480 czk