Učit se být učitelem

Učit se být učitelem

Strouhal, Martin (ed.)

This book strives to contribute to the discussion on what form teacher education should take, presenting texts written by scholars who ha...

K vybraným problémům učitelského vzdělávání

published: january 2017
recommended price: 220 czk


Facebooková (ne)závislost

Facebooková (ne)závislost

Pospíšilová, Marie

The Internet has changed the nature of social ties and interactions, giving rise to new ways of making social contact, offering an enviro...

Identita, interakce a uživatelská kariéra na Facebooku

published: january 2017
recommended price: 110 czk


K hříchu i k modlitbě

K hříchu i k modlitbě

Lenderová, Milena

Milena Lenderová’s monograph addresses the status of women, specifically those belonging to the urban middle class, in the Czech Lands du...

Žena devatenáctého století

published: november 2016
recommended price: 390 czk
