The Shop on Main Street

The Shop on Main Street

Grosman, Ladislav

A classical work of the 1960s Czechoslovak literature and film in a new publication of Iris Urwin Lewit’s translation. An original and re...

published: august 2019
recommended price: 280 czk


Melpoména v okovech?

Melpoména v okovech?

Šuman, Záviš

This book, written by Romance studies expert Záviš Šuman and named after Melpomene, a Muse of tragedy and chorus, focuses on the Aristote...

Povahokresba ve francouzské tragédii 17. století

published: august 2019
recommended price: 380 czk


Česky, prosím I

Česky, prosím I

Cvejnová, Jitka

The first part of a new set of modern communication-based textbooks of Czech for foreigners is intended for beginners among young adults ...

published: july 2019
recommended price: 620 czk


Dějiny a sebetvorba

Dějiny a sebetvorba

Chavalka, Jakub

This book asks the question of how Jacob Burckhardt, a cultural historian almost forgotten in our context, could have inspired a much mor...

Jacob Burckchardt jako Nietzschův modelový čtenář

published: may 2019
recommended price: 370 czk
