Popely ještě žhavé I.
Durman, KarelAn excellent historical synthesis of world history since the disintegration of European democracies and the advent of totalitarian regime...
Válka a nukleární mír
published: may 2004
recommended price: 470 czk
Souborné dílo Vladimíra Skaličky – 1. díl (1931–1950)
Čermák, František a kol.Editors lead by František Čermák have prepared a three-volume edition of complete works by Vladimír Skalička, the first professor of Gene...
published: april 2004
recommended price: 345 czk
Instituce a odpovědnost
Klusoň, VáclavA book of original social-economic views of Václav Klusoň. In nine chapters the author gradually analyses the concept of responsibility, ...
K filozofii ekonomické vědy
published: april 2004
recommended price: 285 czk
K novověkým sociálním dějinám českých zemí VI.
Čechurová, Jana a kol.This publication contains 16 studies dealing with chosen historiographic problems of social history. The introductory part, comprising me...
Sociální dějiny dnes
published: march 2004
recommended price: 210 czk
Encyklopedie Jiřího Suchého 15
Suchý, JiříThe fifteenth volume of The Encyclopaedia of Jiří Suchý comprises his scenic texts, staged in the Semafor theatre between 1997 and 2002. ...
published: march 2004
recommended price: 370 czk
Dión Chrýsostomos o výtvarném umění, náboženství a filozofii
Pavlík, JiříThis book introduces to the life and work of Dion Chrysostomos (Golden-Mouthed). He was one of the representatives of the so-called "seco...
Řeč olympijská
published: march 2004
recommended price: 125 czk
Proti Benešovi!
Kuklík, Jan – Němeček, JanThis monograph is first ever attempt by Czech authors to methodically analyse Czech and Slovak political groups which, during WWII, stood...
Česká a slovenská protibenešovská opozice v Londýně 1939–1945
published: february 2004
recommended price: 450 czk
Předškolní dítě a jeho svět
Šulová, Lenka – Zaouche-Gaudron, ChantalThis monograph on the development psychology of preschool age children crowns the decade of cooperation between the Department of Psychol...
published: january 2004
recommended price: 295 czk
Česká přísloví
Bittnerová, Dana – Schindler, FranzThe publication comprises more than 5,700 proverbs and sayings used in the Czech Republic. The sayings are categorised according to their...
Soudobý stav konce 20. století
published: january 2004
recommended price: 275 czk
Paměť a naděje
Piťha, PetrWriting this book of newly adapted national legends and tales of Bohemia and Moravia, the author has taken an utterly different view than...
Z pověstí Čech a Moravy
published: december 2003
recommended price: 530 czk