Komentované dokumenty k ústavním dějinám Československa 1914–1945 – I. díl
[Commented Documents on Czechoslovak Constitutional History in 1914-1945 - volume I]
law – legal history, history – 20th century
hardcover, 586 pp., 1. edition
published: december 2005
ISBN: 80-246-1027-2
recommended price: 245 czk
The first volume of the four-volume edition of documents related to the Czechoslovak constitutional history contains documents from 1914–1945. It is divided into two chapters: the rise of independent Czechoslovakia and the so-called First Czechoslovak Republic (October 28, 1918 – September 29, 1938) are treated in the first part, while the second chapter: Part Two – The Times of Lack of Freedom (September 30, 1938 – May 4, 1945) contains documents from the so-called Second Republic, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the period of the interim state government abroad and the Slovak State. The publication is intended mainly for lawyers, historians and students of faculties of law.