Faust jako stav zadlužení

Faust jako stav zadlužení

Just, Vladimír

The story of Doctor Faustus represents one of the oldest and most significant European myths, whose topicality has recently been on an in...

Jedenáctkrát o Faustovi, pokaždé jinak

published: january 2024
recommended price: 250 czk


Věk hněvu

Věk hněvu

Mišra, Pankádž

What is the source of the anger which is spreading from Brazil to India, from the USA to Russia, překračuje traversing religions and cult...

Dějiny přítomnosti

published: january 2024
recommended price: 390 czk


Mluvit mlčky

Mluvit mlčky

Těšínská Lomičková, Radka

Sign language is an important phenomenon of monasticism which has existed for thousand years. The signs enable monks to pass an important...

Znaková řeč ve středověkých klášterech

published: december 2023
recommended price: 340 czk


Myšlenky pražského frankismu

Myšlenky pražského frankismu

Kohout, Ivan a kol.

In an attempt at the depoliticization of research in the field of Jewish mysticism the authors devote their attention to the community of...

Kritické studium židovské mystiky

published: december 2023
recommended price: 400 czk


Praha 15. století

Praha 15. století

Nodl, Martin

The history of Prague in the 15th century is a history of conflicts, and these conflicts influenced the life of a majority of the inhabit...

Konfliktní společenství

published: december 2023
recommended price: 340 czk
