Hory a moře mezi „námi“

Hory a moře mezi „námi“

Power, Martina

This publication analyzes the ways of perceiving and structuring geographic space based on a comparison of German travelogues about Bohem...

Vnímání hranic a prostoru v německé a britské cestopisné literatuře o Čechách a Irsku v letech 1750–1850

published: march 2013
recommended price: 390 czk


Historik v pohybu

Historik v pohybu

Křen, Jan

This selection of papers written by Jan Křen, a prominent figure of Czech historiography in contemporary history, strives to present his ...

published: may 2013
recommended price: 400 czk




Beránek, Zdeněk

This historical analysis focuses on the dramatic developments in this north-African country which originated in the easing of the politic...

Krize 90. let

published: june 2013
recommended price: 260 czk


Around the Globe

Around the Globe

Vaněk, Miroslav

Around the Globe. Rethinking Oral History with Its Protagonists presents interviews with thirteen prominent scholars focusing on oral his...

Rethinking Oral History with Its Protagonists

published: august 2013
recommended price: 260 czk
