Fasciculus moralitatis

Fasciculus moralitatis

of Heisterbach, Caesarius

Primarily known as the author of the Dialogus miraculorum—a collection of exemplary stories that won Caesarius his reputation as the mast...

Omelie morales de infantia Saluatoris

published: april 2023
recommended price: 510 czk


Burgundský stát

Burgundský stát

Schnerb, Bertrand

Bertrand Schnerb's book presents a synthesis of the Burgundian state at the end of the Middle Ages. Alongside parts of northern Italy, th...


published: february 2023
recommended price: 410 czk


Uprostřed Evropy

Uprostřed Evropy

Šmahel, František

This book consists of 28 essays in which the author approaches the historical role of the Czech lands in the context of late medieval cen...

České země na konci středověku

published: march 2022
recommended price: 590 czk


Stoletá válka

Stoletá válka

Bove, Boris

Boris Bove presents the Hundred Years’ War as a mental construct, which strives to conceptually grasp the repeated conflicts between the ...

published: september 2021
recommended price: 310 czk


Zlatý nosorožec

Zlatý nosorožec

Fauvelle-Aymar, François-Xavier

Linking the Middle Ages and Sub-Saharan Africa sounds unusual to Czech readers as there have not been many books presenting the riches of...

Příběhy o africkém středověku

published: april 2021
recommended price: 310 czk


Neklidné století

Neklidné století

Čechura, Jaroslav

Historian Jaroslav Čechura has been exploring everyday life in the South-Bohemian countryside for many years. In this book he looks at th...

Třeboňsko v proměnách válečného věku (1590–1710)

published: march 2021
recommended price: 490 czk
