Excel pro přírodovědce
Makovička, JiříThis textbook was written for the “information technology” class taught at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. Although it focuse...
published: may 2016
recommended price: 240 czk
This textbook was written for the “information technology” class taught at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. Although it focuse...
published: may 2016
recommended price: 240 czk
German historian Detlef Brandes introduces in his book the international position and role of the exile governments of Czechoslovakia, Po...
Velká Británie a vlády Československa, Polska a Jugoslávie od počátku války do teheránské konference
published: august 2003
recommended price: 480 czk
During World War II, London experienced not just the Blitz and the arrival of continental refugees, but also an influx of displaced forei...
The Experience of Czechoslovakia and the Other Occupied Nations, 1939–1945
published: february 2018
recommended price: 490 czk
The core of this publication The Exile Periodical “Nový život” [New Life] (1949–2001): Introductory Study and Full Bibliography consists...
published: august 2018
recommended price: 250 czk
Jan Eichler is one of the leading Czech security analysts. His book focuses on the expansion of NATO to the east and its impact on the se...
Rozšiřování NATO a jeho důsledky
published: november 2019
recommended price: 220 czk
The Internet has changed the nature of social ties and interactions, giving rise to new ways of making social contact, offering an enviro...
Identita, interakce a uživatelská kariéra na Facebooku
published: january 2017
recommended price: 110 czk
In this important contribution to contemporary Romani Studies, Jan Ort focuses his anthropological research on a village in eastern Slova...
The Roma and Their Locatedness in Eastern Slovakia
published: may 2022
recommended price: 350 czk
Jak se neztratit v datech
published: march 2023
recommended price: 300 czk
The textbook presents an original approach to public policy and social science research generally. It does not concentrate on the entire ...
published: november 2023
recommended price: 470 czk
This textbook is primarily intended for students of the Pharmacy study program for practical exercises in the subjects Pharmaceutical Che...
Návody k praktickým cvičením
published: august 2022
recommended price: 130 czk
published: january 2019
recommended price: 180 czk
The book offers an overview of pharmaceutical chemistry of drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, covers drugs affecting the locom...
published: november 2023
recommended price: 195 czk