Dílo 5

Dílo 5

Šiktanc, Karel

The fifth volume of Karel Šiktanc's work contains a collection of poems from the end of the 70s and the 80s, i.e. from the time when the ...

published: november 2002
recommended price: 260 czk


Chytila patrola...

Chytila patrola...

Lenderová, Milena

This is the first time such a book has been presented to the Czech public. Without moralizing or seeking sensation the author looks at pr...

aneb prostituce za Rakouska i republiky

published: november 2002
recommended price: 240 czk


S/krze postmoderní teorie

S/krze postmoderní teorie

Hauer, Tomáš

This publication begins with an explanation of the genealogical concept of Postmodernism and an analysis of French philosophical thought ...

published: october 2002
recommended price: 225 czk
