New Labour, Británie a svět

New Labour, Británie a svět

Váška, Jan

On which ideas concerning international identity and the role of Britain, and its relations with Europe and the United States was British...

Ideový rámec britské zahraniční politiky za vlády Tonyho Blaira a Gordona Browna

published: january 2018
recommended price: 370 czk


New Infinitary Mathematics

New Infinitary Mathematics

Vopěnka, Petr

The dominant current of twentieth-century mathematics, which simultaneously explores and applies infinity (albeit in bizarre ideal worlds...

published: august 2022
recommended price: 900 czk


Nesplacená minulost

Nesplacená minulost

Králová, Kateřina

The book Unpaid Debts of the Past. Greek-German Relations in the Shadow of Nazism presents the issues of Greek-German relations in the pe...

Řecko-německé vztahy ve stínu nacismu

published: march 2012
recommended price: 285 czk
