Greek Gods in the East

Greek Gods in the East

Stančo, Ladislav

This book focuses on the fate of the Greek mythological themes, divine and heroic figures, far in the East, primarily in the area of anci...

Hellenistic Iconographic Schemes in the Central Asia

published: april 2015
recommended price: 230 czk


Heterocosmica II

Heterocosmica II

Doležel, Lubomír

Heterocosmica II: The Fictitious Worlds of Czech Postmodern Prose is an independent book, although it is intrinsically connected with Het...

Fikční světy postmoderní české prózy

published: october 2014
recommended price: 210 czk


Heterocosmica III

Heterocosmica III

Doležel, Lubomír

In 1998 in the American city of Baltimore, Lubomír Doležel, student of Professor Havránek and a contemporary follower of Czech structural...

Fikční světy protomoderní české prózy

published: july 2018
recommended price: 240 czk
