Facets of a Harmony

Facets of a Harmony

Ort, Jan

In this important contribution to contemporary Romani Studies, Jan Ort focuses his anthropological research on a village in eastern Slova...

The Roma and Their Locatedness in Eastern Slovakia

published: may 2022
recommended price: 350 czk


Ke kněžství ženy

Ke kněžství ženy

Šmídová, LucieRyšková, Mireia

Opening a discussion about the role of women in Catholic church, especially motivated by the desire for priesthood, required significant ...

Korespondence Josefa Zvěřiny a Mireii Ryškové (1980–1986)

published: may 2022
recommended price: 100 czk


Saturnin - vietnamsky

Saturnin - vietnamsky

Jirotka, Zdeněk

Saturnin was first published in 1942 and since then there have been more than twenty editions in Czech and its author has become a nation...

published: may 2022
recommended price: 280 czk


Sociální stratifikace

Sociální stratifikace

Šanderová, Jadwiga

This book, first published in 2000, was conceived as a textbook for a course that the scholar taught to first-year students of sociology ...

Problém, vybrané teorie, výzkum

published: may 2022
recommended price: 220 czk


Svět Václava Ciglera

Svět Václava Ciglera

Hvížďala, Karel

This long-awaited dialogue between two prominent figures – journalist and writer Karel Hvížďala and the doyen of fine arts, glass-maker, ...

published: may 2022
recommended price: 320 czk


Ženy v politice

Ženy v politice

Kočišková, Jana

After World War II, Czechoslovak female politicians continued the First-Republic tradition of active political participation of their pre...

Role a postavení vrcholných političek v Československu 1948–1968

published: april 2022
recommended price: 450 czk


Půda a její hodnota

Půda a její hodnota

Vejchodská, Eliška

Land as a space is something that can be owned, one of the factors of production and a natural resource. The amount of land is fixed and ...

Teorie a praxe

published: april 2022
recommended price: 270 czk
