Biomedicínská informatika III.
Zvárová, Jana – Svačina, Štěpán – Valenta, Zdeněk a kol.Systémy pro podporu lékařského rozhodování
published: november 2009
recommended price: 480 czk
Systémy pro podporu lékařského rozhodování
published: november 2009
recommended price: 480 czk
Základy informatiky pro biomedicínu a zdravotnictví
published: march 2003
recommended price: 165 czk
A new edition of the successful textbook, Human Biology for Teachers. The scholar gradually expounds on the basics of the anatomy and phy...
published: february 2022
recommended price: 395 czk
This two-volume textbook is intended for students of biochemistry at medical faculties where this subject follows up on the course in che...
published: december 2020
recommended price: 430 czk
This work is the completion of biographical research concerning the history of Prague’s Faculties of Medicine. It follows on from the two...
published: april 1998
recommended price: 200 czk
Stories of scientists persecuted during the Nazi occupation and World War II have only been presented to Czech readership selectively and...
Svazek I (A–K)
published: april 2019
recommended price: 420 czk
This dictionary follows the historical and prosopographical development that the Theological Faculty of Prague University underwent durin...
published: march 2014
recommended price: 315 czk
This second and last volume of the Biographical Dictionary of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, 1945–2008, concludes the...
published: february 2020
recommended price: 270 czk
The history of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, is one of continuous research tasks of the Institute for the History of...
published: april 2018
recommended price: 250 czk
Only a few historical events have ever played such a significant role in the process of the formation of the Czech national awareness as ...
published: december 2014
recommended price: 340 czk
Eseje k poctě prof. Petra Pokorného
published: october 2024
recommended price: 390 czk
Security System in the Czech Republic: Issues and Challenges focuses on the key external elements affecting the security of the Czech Rep...
published: november 2015
recommended price: 250 czk