Verba docent, exempla trahunt

Verba docent, exempla trahunt

Kalivoda, Jan

This book is a Latin textbook of a completely different type than those previously offered in the Czech or foreign markets. It does not p...

Učebnice latiny pro samostatné studium na základě latinských citátů, živých slov a rčení

published: august 2013
recommended price: 180 czk


Vera mundi lumina

Vera mundi lumina

Maroszová, Jana (ed.)

German baroque sermons written in the Czech Lands represent one of the little researched areas of the philosophy and history of theology....

Výbor dominikánských barokních kázání

published: august 2016
recommended price: 420 czk




Kundra, Ondřej

Famed Czech Avant-garde photographer Jan Lukas snapped an offhand portrait of twelve-year-old Vendulka Vogl in March 1943. A friend of th...

Flight to Freedom

published: february 2021
recommended price: 320 czk


Velitelem města Bugulmy

Velitelem města Bugulmy

Hašek, Jaroslav

Jaroslav Hašek is a Czech writer most famous for his widely read if incomplete novel The Good Soldier Schweik, a series of absurdist vign...

published: january 2012
recommended price: 285 czk


Věk hněvu

Věk hněvu

Mišra, Pankádž

What is the source of the anger which is spreading from Brazil to India, from the USA to Russia, překračuje traversing religions and cult...

Dějiny přítomnosti

published: january 2024
recommended price: 390 czk


Vědění a participace

Vědění a participace

Dlouhá, Jana a kol.

How to come to terms with the current world in a period of revolutionary changes – when man is offered an unprecedented amount of new pos...

Teoretická východiska environmentálního vzdělávání

published: october 2009
recommended price: 180 czk


Věda a politika

Věda a politika

Pešek, JiříFilipová, Lucie a kol.

This book presents a unique network of German institutes of social science and humanities in foreign countries as they were formed betwee...

Německé společenskovědní ústavy v zahraničí (1880-2010)

published: june 2013
recommended price: 365 czk


Ve světle kabaly

Ve světle kabaly

Benešová, Michala

In the Light of the Kabbala offers a reflection of the Jewish religious and mystic tradition in interwar Polish literature using works by...

Židovská mystika v polské literatuře meziválečného období (Aleksander Wat, Bruno Schulz, Bolesław Leśmian)

published: april 2017
recommended price: 380 czk
