Speciální bryologie II/1.
Váňa, JiříBryophyta (1. část)
published: september 2006
recommended price: 65 czk
Bryophyta (1. část)
published: september 2006
recommended price: 65 czk
The book No Sense of Place, first published in 1985, belongs without too much exaggeration among the classic books on the media. Joshua M...
Vliv elektronických médií na sociální chování
published: september 2006
recommended price: 345 czk
published: september 2006
recommended price: 345 czk
This textbook, compiled for the students of the First Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague, by the faculty’s experts, strives to...
published: august 2006
recommended price: 250 czk
This book uses the example of McDonald's company to show the socio-cultural influence that global corporations exert over consumers, the ...
published: july 2006
recommended price: 250 czk
This book contains 14 essays on the history of medicine, which are divided into four chronology-based parts: antiquity and Middle Ages, 1...
Sborník k dějinám medicíny
published: may 2006
recommended price: 250 czk
Bahr's History of German Literature in three volumes, covering the period from the early Middle Ages to the present, belongs among classi...
Od osvícenství k době předbřeznové
published: may 2006
recommended price: 325 czk
This is the last volume of Vladimír Skalička's Comprehensive Work. Vladimír Skalička was not only the first professor of general linguist...
published: may 2006
recommended price: 345 czk
Marchantiophyta, Anthecerotophyta
published: may 2006
recommended price: 180 czk
Vladislav Vančura's Summer of Caprice is commonly considered untranslatable. The playful style of the narrative, the level of language ma...
published: may 2006
recommended price: 480 czk
The book covers the case of the most famous Czech police informer, but also the political radical and writer Karel Sabina (1813–1877). Ka...
Neuzavřený případ policejního konfidenta
published: april 2006
recommended price: 385 czk