Slovník biblické ikonografie

Slovník biblické ikonografie

Royt, Jan

This dictionary enables the readers to "read" and understand the symbolics of the Old and New Testament in Art and sculpture. Art histori...

published: april 2006
recommended price: 375 czk


Historie a změny klimatu

Historie a změny klimatu

Acot, Pascal

The French historian Pascal Acot (1942), a specialist in the history of scientific ecology and environmental science, reconstructs the lo...

published: february 2006
recommended price: 240 czk


Dějiny německé literatury 1

Dějiny německé literatury 1

Bahr, Ehrhard

Bahr's three-volume History of German Literature, covering the period from the early Middle Ages to the present, belongs among classical ...

Od středověku po baroko

published: february 2006
recommended price: 250 czk


Výbor z díla

Výbor z díla

Matějček, Zdeněk

This book contains several dozen articles and lectures from more than fifty-year long professional life of Professor Zdeněk Matějček. The...

published: january 2006
recommended price: 365 czk
