Mor 1480–1730

Mor 1480–1730

Černý, Karel

The plague, which arrived during the 1340s, foreshadowed a long period of recurring deadly epidemics. None were exempt from the danger, ...

Epidemie v lékařských traktátech raného novověku

published: october 2020
recommended price: 420 czk


Syntax současné angličtiny

Syntax současné angličtiny

Dušková, Libuše

The first part of this book, A Collection of Texts and Examples for Syntactic Analysis, contains both short and longer texts, while the s...

Sbírka textů a příkladů k syntaktickému rozboru

published: october 2020
recommended price: 105 czk


Původ negativní dialektiky

Původ negativní dialektiky

Buck-Morssová, Susan

This book by American philosopher Susan Buck-Morris traces the formation of the theory of Theodor Adorno, a key representative of the fir...

Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin a frankfurtský Institut pro sociální výzkum

published: october 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Poetry in Exile

Poetry in Exile

Hrdlička, Josef

In his book Josef Hrdlička opens the question of what exactly constitutes Exile Poetry, and indeed whether it amounts to a category as fu...

Czech Poets during the Cold War and the Western Poetic Tradition

published: september 2020
recommended price: 480 czk


Záhada nemoci Karla IV.

Záhada nemoci Karla IV.

Ramba, Jiří

In this collection of papers, which were previously published in journals and in books, experienced facial traumatologist Jiří Ramba pres...

Osobnosti českých dějin z perspektivy obličejové chirurgie

published: september 2020
recommended price: 330 czk


America First

America First

Hornát, JanKýrová, Lucie (ed.)

A non-traditional candidate, an unprecedented president? Why did Americans elect such a controversial figure as the head of their country...

Příčiny a kontext volebního vítězství Donalda Trumpa

published: september 2020
recommended price: 330 czk


Mluvnice katalánštiny

Mluvnice katalánštiny

Zavadil, Bohumil

This textbook presents a description of the grammar of Catalan, completed with an effort to provide a structural and functional interpret...

published: september 2020
recommended price: 490 czk
