Estetické čtení Vladaře

Estetické čtení Vladaře

Bíba, Jan

This book offers a commentary to Machiavelli’s The Prince, which is possibly the most well-known work on political theory. The exposition...

published: june 2022
recommended price: 410 czk


Estetika ambiguity

Estetika ambiguity

Bierhanzl, Jan

Remaining in ambiguity is at the root of how we experience art works. The ambiguity is inherent in the genre and content, in the movement...

published: january 2022
recommended price: 180 czk


Ethics, Life and Institutions

Ethics, Life and Institutions

Sokol, Jan

General complaints about moral decay, however frequent, and perhaps even justified they might be, are of little use. This book is not com...

An Attempt at Practical Philosophy

published: november 2016
recommended price: 350 czk




Blackburn, Simon

At a time when we are confronted with changing and uncertain world, the trust in society decreases, while conspiracy theories thrive, and...

Velmi stručný úvod

published: june 2022
recommended price: 190 czk


Etiopie v letech 1923–1935

Etiopie v letech 1923–1935

Záhořík, Jan

From the time when Ethiopia joined the United Nations (1923), it was exposed to the pressure from Great Britain and later especially from...

Cesta k italské invazi

published: may 2010
recommended price: 165 czk




Rice, Timothy

All humans, not just musicians, are musical, and that musicality is one of the essential touchstones of the human experience. In order to...

Velmi krátký úvod

published: september 2020
recommended price: 210 czk


Études de prosodie contrastive

Études de prosodie contrastive

Duběda, Tomáš

This book presents a study of the prosody of two European languages, French and Czech, from a contrastive perspective inspired by metric ...

Le cas du français et du tchèque

published: april 2013
recommended price: 250 czk
