Projektové vyučování v české škole
Dvořáková, MarkétaVývoj, inspirace, současné problémy
published: december 2009
recommended price: 155 czk
Nové jevy v právu na počátku 21. století I.
Tomášek, Michal et al.This first volume of monograph on new phenomena in the law at the beginning of this century aims to show the role of historical experienc...
Historické impulzy rozvoje práva
published: december 2009
recommended price: 240 czk
Hrad Svícen
Šiktanc, KarelFollowing up on the successful book of poems Spadl buben do kedluben and a CD set of audio recordings Fairy Tales we continue publishing ...
published: december 2009
recommended price: 275 czk
University – Historiography – Society – Politics
Havránková, Růžena – Pešek, JiříFrom the 1960s Prof. Dr. Jan Havránek (1928–2003) belonged among the internationally renowned personalities of Czech history focusing on ...
Selected Studies of Jan Havránek
published: december 2009
recommended price: 470 czk
Transplantace jater
Trunečka, Pavel – Adamec, Miloš a kol.The third volume of the series devoted to individual field of transplantation medicine and prepared in co-operation with doctors from the...
published: december 2009
recommended price: 285 czk
Pohyb člověka na biodromu
Bednář, MilošThis monograph uses the metaphore of the biodrome and a journey to reflect on the movements of a man's life. Kinanthropology, or the "stu...
Cesta životem z pohledu (nejen) kinantropologie
published: december 2009
recommended price: 210 czk
Kultura a struktura českého jazyka
Daneš, FrantišekThis thematically arranged selection of works by a doyen of Czech language studies documents 60 years of the development of standard Czec...
published: november 2009
recommended price: 315 czk
Základy lékařské psychologie pro studenty lékařství
Beran, Jiří – Tumpachová, Naděžda
published: november 2009
recommended price: 190 czk
Catalogue of rust fungi of the Czech and Slovak Republics
Urban, Zdeněk – Marková, JaroslavaThe extensive manuscript of a scientific work on rusts of the Czech and Slovak Republics deals with an important group of fungi that are ...
published: november 2009
recommended price: 1170 czk
Der alte Prager Judenfriedhof
Jeřábek, LubomírA reprint of this charming book on the history of Prague's most famous cemetery, originally published in Czech and German versions in 190...
published: november 2009
recommended price: 440 czk
Biomedicínská informatika III.
Zvárová, Jana – Svačina, Štěpán – Valenta, Zdeněk a kol.Systémy pro podporu lékařského rozhodování
published: november 2009
recommended price: 480 czk