Michael Rentz fecit

Michael Rentz fecit

Šerých, Jiří

For the first time, this large monograph presents the engraver to a wider audience. Rentz came to Prague from Nuremberg in the early 1720...

Michael Jindřich Rentz, dvorní rytec hraběte Šporka (včetně CD s německým textem)

published: april 2007
recommended price: 1460 czk


Slovník biblické ikonografie

Slovník biblické ikonografie

Royt, Jan

This dictionary enables the readers to "read" and understand the symbolics of the Old and New Testament in Art and sculpture. Art histori...

published: april 2006
recommended price: 375 czk


Secesní Prahou

Secesní Prahou

Wittlich, Petr

The Czech version of a cultural-historical guide by a leading European expert on the Art Nouveau shows visitors to Prague around its Art ...

published: september 2005
recommended price: 285 czk

Medieval Painting in Bohemia

Medieval Painting in Bohemia

Royt, Jan

English translation of the Czech original published by the Karolinum Press in 2002. The book deals with the development and preservation ...

published: april 2003
recommended price: 960 czk
