Art Nouveau Prague

Art Nouveau Prague

Wittlich, Petr

At the turn of the 20th century, Prague underwent a fundamental transformation: once again, it became a prestigious centre for the life o...

published: april 2020
recommended price: 420 czk




Petráň, Josef

Karolinum – the focal point of Charles University, where all its faculties, teaching and research departments symbolically converge. The ...

published: december 2021
recommended price: 350 czk


Literatura k dějinám umění

Literatura k dějinám umění

Wittlich, Petr

This book presents a summary of the evolution of thinking about art; from the founding works originating in antiquity, through medieval t...

Vývojový přehled

published: may 2015
recommended price: 155 czk


Making the Most of Tomorrow

Making the Most of Tomorrow

Spurný, Matěj

Most, one of the most impressive historical cities of Northern Bohemia, was destroyed in the sixties and seventies for coal mining. When ...

A Laboratory of Socialist Modernity in Czechoslovakia

published: march 2019
recommended price: 520 czk
