We inform authors and readers that, following an agreement with the Karolinum publishing house, from 2024 (Volume 18), the journal Orbis scholae will be published only in electronic form.

Orbis scholae is an academic journal published by Charles University, Prague. It features articles on school education in the wider socio-cultural context. It aims to contribute to our understanding and the development of school education, and to the reflection of teaching practice and educational policy.


Sociální klima učitelských sborů: Kvalitativní kvaziexperiment

[The Teaching Staff Social Climate: A Qualitative Quasi-Experiment]

Andrea Rozkovcová, Petr Urbánek, Helena Picková, Jitka Jursová, Magda Nišponská, Oto Dymokurský

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/23363177.2024.7
published online: 09. 07. 2024


The favourable social climate of the teaching staff is one of the key indicators of the quality of school functioning. The text presents five research phases of a qualitative longitudinal pre-post quasi-experiment implemented in the environment of school life. In 37 schools, the climate of the teaching staffs was repeatedly measured with the OCDQ-RS questionnaire in the pre- and post-intervention phase of the experiment. In six of these schools, qualitative research procedures were carried out in order to determine the causes and contexts of the state of the climate and intervention procedures aimed at supporting the development of a favourable teaching staff climate. In the post-intervention phase, focus groups were implemented in six intervened schools to supplement the context. The aim of the research was to find out what effects intervention procedures can have on the climate and under what conditions they can be successful. The results confirm repeated findings about the key role of school leadership in shaping and maintaining a favourable climate of the staff by increasing trust across the staff, promoting open communication and meaningful cooperation of all actors, and leading to shared meanings of events in the school and general acceptance of the school’s values and concept.

keywords: teaching staff social climate; quasi-experiment; intervention; OCDQ-RS

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Creative Commons License
Sociální klima učitelských sborů: Kvalitativní kvaziexperiment is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 150 czk
ISSN: 1802-4637
E-ISSN: 2336-3177
