AUC Philologica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica) is an academic journal published by Charles University. It publishes scholarly articles in a large number of disciplines (English, German, Greek and Latin, Oriental, Romance and Slavonic studies, as well as in phonetics and translation studies), both on linguistic and on literary and cultural topics. Apart from articles it publishes reviews of new academic books or special issues of academic journals.

The journal is indexed in CEEOL, DOAJ, EBSCO, and ERIH PLUS.

AUC PHILOLOGICA, Vol 2020 No 3 (2020), 53–61

Übersetzungsprobleme und Lösungsstrategien bei muttersprachlichen und nichtmuttersprachlichen Übersetzungen ins Deutsche

[Translation strategies in native an non-native translations from Czech to German]

Christof Heinz, Běla Michálková

published online: 05. 02. 2021


The paper discusses the role of directionality in translations from Czech to German language. Its main purpose is to detect differences in the translation process between native and non-native translations, with a special focus on the translation strategies chosen. The empiric part consists of an investigation of a sample from students‘ translations, produced during practical lessons on translation of non-literary texts into German at Charles University. Some of the examples discussed in the paper show differences between native and non-native translations on three different linguistic levels: lexical, syntactic and pragmatic. While the lexical and syntactic level show a tendency towards inhibitation of L1 structures, the pragmatic level is more likely to transfer source language norms into the target text.

keywords: translation problems; translation strategies; Czech-German translation; directionality, native / non-native translation; crosslinguistic influence; L1-/ L2-transfer; lexical, syntactic, pragmatic transfer

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Creative Commons License
Übersetzungsprobleme und Lösungsstrategien bei muttersprachlichen und nichtmuttersprachlichen Übersetzungen ins Deutsche is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 150 czk
ISSN: 0567-8269
E-ISSN: 2464-6830
