Praehistorica jsou odborným akademickým časopisem zaměřeným na archeologii ve Střední Evropě. Časopis vychází od roku 1938 a specializuje se zejména na období pravěku a ranné doby dějinné.

PRAEHISTORICA, Vol 31 No 2 (2013), 439–454

Zur Entstehung und Entwicklung hoch- und spätmittelalterlicher Burgen und Adelssitze in der Uckermark (Brandenburg)

[Castles and nobility residences of the high and late Middle Ages in Uckermark, state Brandenburg]

Antonia Schütz

zveřejněno: 06. 03. 2018


This article summarises the results of a study on the formation and development of the castle complexes and nobility residences in the Uckermark from the late 12th to the end of the 15th century. The main subjects of this study are the medieval buildings in form of ruins, integrated in later buildings and as archaeological site, respectively. It is the first ever complete regional inventory of the medieval castles and nobility residences of the Uckermark. It is mainly based on archaeological and architectural data, and made complete with historical and geographical facts. Almost 250 towns and villages were traced where the existence of a medieval castle or a residence is verified or presumed. Archaeological finds indicate that especially at the beginning of the medieval eastward expansion they were erected on Slavic strongholds. During the 13th and the early 14th century a lot of new castles and mansions were built. Especially the fortresses in the frontier districts and at important passes were being extended during the 14th and 15th century. In the inland regions the process of desertion led to the abandonment of many of the nobility residences. They began to fall into disrepair and were partially replaced by modern age domain and palace complexes. Nowadays, only few of the former residences and fortresses can clearly be identified as such on the basis of the remains of above ground buildings and fortifications or by surface features like stone walls, earthworks or moats. Most of them are completely buried under earth, or replaced by manor houses and palace complexes of a later period. Surveying the present state of castle-studies in Brandenburg, the castles and nobility residences where compared with regard to their extent, morphology and ground-plan, internal building chronology and changing of their historical functions. Moreover, the connection with older Slavic strongholds and the continuity from medieval strongholds to modern age castle complexes or manor houses are investigated.

klíčová slova: Uckermark; Middle Ages; castle; nobility residence; typology of castles Uckermark; Mittelalter; Burgen; Herrensitz; Burgentypologie

Published by the Karolinum Press. For permission to use please write to

210 x 297 mm
vychází: 2 x ročně
ISSN: 0231-5432
E-ISSN: 2570-7213

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