Multidisciplinární lékařský časopis uveřejňující původní vědecké práce z teoretických a klinických oborů se souhrny v angličtině, práce zahraničních autorů v angličtině. V kapitole "Ze života fakulty" jsou uvedeny osobní zprávy, zprávy o činnosti fakulty za uplynulý rok a úplná bibliografie ústavů a klinik lékařské fakulty v daném roce. Časopis vychází od roku 1956.

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PLZEŇSKÝ LÉKAŘSKÝ SBORNÍK, Vol 2017 No 83 (2017), 87–97

Orální fokální infekce – retrospektivní studie

[Oral focal infection – retrospective study]

M. Chalupová, H. Hecová

zveřejněno: 04. 10. 2017


Oral focal infection is a focal infection in the oral cavity, which, according to the general definition of focal infection can cause or complicate disease in a remote organ or tissue. The aim of this retrospective study is to assess the prevalence of dental focal infection in 278 patients sent with a request to exclude the possibility of infection in the oral cavity. In the medical documentation, we have found 278 patients referred to the Dental Clinic, University Hospital in Pilsen from 2011 to 2014, for the exclusion of dental focal infection. The patientsʼ oral health status, the presence of the teeth suspected of dental focal infection, the need for conservative, periodontal and oral surgery rehabilitation were evaluated. The group of 278 patients was divided into two groups. Group A consisted of 19 patients who were sent to the dental clinic with a request for confirmation or exclusion of oral focal infection as a source of the patient`s general health. Group B consisted of 259 patients referred to the dental clinic within the preoperative examination. On the basis of the documentation, the state of teeth and periodontium and the need for subsequent therapy was retrospectively assessed. In Group A, rehabilitated dentition was observed in only 3 patients (15.8%). Focal infection of dental origin was diagnosed in 15 patients (78.9%), 12 patients were recommended to extract at least one tooth. Periodontal treatment was required in for 16 patients (84.2%). In Group B, rehabilitated teeth were found in 35 patients (13.5%), teeth with dental focal infection were found in 145 patients (56%). In 129 patients (49.8%) at least one tooth extraction was necessary. Periodontal treatment was necessary in 175 patients (67.6%). Our study evaluated that the oral health status of the majority of patients investigated for possible occurrence of infection in the oral cavity was insufficient. The results showed that it is necessary to raise awareness among the population about the importance of the impact of oral health on overall health.

157 x 230 mm
vychází: 1 x ročně
ISSN: 0551-1038

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