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PLZEŇSKÝ LÉKAŘSKÝ SBORNÍK, Vol 2017 No 83 (2017), 81–86

Jak zjišťovat časná stádia aterosklerózy

[How to detect the early stages of atherosclerosis]

T. Mádr

zveřejněno: 04. 10. 2017


Subclinical (preclinical) atherosclerosis is defined as the presence of changes in vascular walls, which have not had clinical manifestation. Yet unanswered question is how, when and whom to undergo screening for subclinical atherosclerosis. Opinions on the importance of individual methods evolve rapidly. An important issue is the costbenefit ratio, because some methods are relatively expensive. It is already possible for daily practice recommend – remember when clinical examination to palpation and listening arteries, relatively easy and inexpensive measuring the ankle pressure, further noting the presence of atherosclerotic changes in X-ray examination, which was performed for other indications. In case of doubt, and especially during the rustle of carotid sonography not hesitate to indicate performance. Of course, if the card atherosclerosis intervenes all modifiable risk factors as intensely as in the case of secondary prevention. The examination for the detection of subclinical atherosclerosis would have been about probably indicated for patients who have according to SCORE tables medium- or low-risk but have a positive family history or high one risk factor. It blurs the distinction between the primary and secondary prevention. Hopefully in the future will be developed versatile, simple and inexpensive method for the detection of subclinical atherosclerosis.

157 x 230 mm
vychází: 1 x ročně
ISSN: 0551-1038

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