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AUC IURIDICA, Vol 70 No 4 (2024), 113–129

Lze při zohlednění subjektivního a objektivního kritéria menšinové definice příslušníky LGBTI komunity považovat za menšinu?

[Can Members of the LGBTI Community Be Considered a Minority Taking into Account the Subjective and Objective Criteria of the Minority Definition?]

Markéta Polendová

zveřejněno: 28. 11. 2024


The publication focuses on the status of LGBTI persons in the context of minority law, which is traditionally associated with national, linguistic, and religious minorities. It aims to evaluate the potential of the LGBTI community to fulfil the defining characteristics of a minority. The author analyses the features of the minority definition, i.e., the objective and subjective criterion, and subsequently evaluates the possibility of fulfilment of the individual characteristics by the LGBTI community. Problematic aspects arising in connection with the specific nature of the LGBTI community, especially its internal diversity and the difficult objectification of the differentiating characteristics of individual members, are emphasised. The author concludes that provided the specific features are dully considered, the LGBTI community in principle meets both the objective and the subjective criterion of the minority definition.

klíčová slova: LGBTI; definition of minority; minority rights

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Creative Commons License
Lze při zohlednění subjektivního a objektivního kritéria menšinové definice příslušníky LGBTI komunity považovat za menšinu? is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
vychází: 4 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 65 Kč
ISSN: 0323-0619
E-ISSN: 2336-6478

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