Acta Medica (Hradec Králové) je víceoborový vědecký recenzovaný časopis vycházející v angličtině. Acta Medica publikují review, původní články, stručná sdělení, případové studie a oznámení. Časopis byl založen v roce 1958 pod názvem Sborník vědeckých prací Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Hradci Králové. Je indexován v databázích Chemical Abstracts, CNKI, DOAJ, EBSCO, Hinari, Index Medicus, MEDLINE, Scopus a Ulrichsweb.

ACTA MEDICA, Vol 65 No 4 (2022), 139–143

Performance Characteristics and Utility of the Standard Q COVID-19 Antigen Test for Emergency Admissions to Healthcare Facilities

Amela Dedeić-Ljubović, El Jesah Ðulić, Erna Husić, Jasmina Halković, Džemilja Gačanović, Irma Salimović-Bešić

zveřejněno: 16. 03. 2023


This study evaluated the performance of the COVID-19 Ag-RDT compared to the real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rtRT-PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 detection and its use among patients referred for emergency admission. A total of 120 nasopharyngeal swabs were collected from patients referred for emergency admission and immediately preceded for testing to the Unit of Clinical Microbiology. Out of 60 Ag positive tests, 53 (88.3%) were confirmed by rtRT-PCR, while 7 (11.7%) tested negative (false positives). Out of 60 Ag negative tests, 56 (93.3%) were confirmed negative by rtRT-PCR, and 4 (6.7%) were positive (false negatives). Ct value comparison was performed for 53 samples that were positive by both methods: 8 (15.1%) isolates had Ct value up to 20; 37 (69.8%) 21 to 30 and 8 (15.1%) 31 to 40, respectively. The sensitivity of the analyzed rapid Ag test was 92.9%, and specificity 88.9%. The accuracy of the Ag test was 90.8%. This study has shown that rapid Ag tests can be used in emergency admissions to healthcare facilities. However, rtRT-PCR should be considered after negative antigen test results in symptomatic patients, and after positive antigen test results in asymptomatic persons.

klíčová slova: SARS-CoV-2; rapid antigen test; RT-PCR; emergency admission

Creative Commons License
Performance Characteristics and Utility of the Standard Q COVID-19 Antigen Test for Emergency Admissions to Healthcare Facilities is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

210 x 297 mm
vychází: 4 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 150 Kč
ISSN: 1211-4286
E-ISSN: 1805-9694

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