tištěná kniha
The Parisian Summit, 1377–78

The Parisian Summit, 1377–78

Emperor Charles IV and King Charles V of France

Šmahel, František

témata: historie – středověk

vázaná, 480 str., 1. vydání
vydáno: leden 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-2522-5
doporučená cena: 432 Kč



Kniha Františka Šmahela sleduje poslední velkou diplomatickou cestu českého krále a římského císaře Karla IV. a jeho setkání s francouzským králem Karlem V. v Paříži v roce 1378. Profesor Šmahel využil poznatků z archeologie a mikrohistorie, stejně jako kulturní antropologie a ikonografie. Výsledkem je atraktivní obraz středověkého života, velké evropské politiky, a dokonce i tehdejší kuchyně. Vlastnímu líčení událostí přelomu let 1377 a 1378 předchází představení obou hlavních aktérů, včetně mladých let budoucího císaře prožitých v Paříži a politických a mezinárodních cílů jeho otce Jana Lucemburského. Summit dvou nejvlivnějších evropských panovníků té doby je prezentován originální výpovědí soudobého pramene Relace Velkých kronik Francie a množstvím iluminací, které zachycují téměř každý krok korunovaných hlav. Závěrečná část čtenáře seznamuje s praktickou organizací královských slavností a banketů, ubytováváním hostů, způsoby stolování, recepty pokrmů i významem dobových rituálů, ceremoniálů a dalšími aspekty pobytu Karla IV. ve Francii. Autorův čtivý styl jistě osloví odbornou i laickou veřejnost.


Preface to the English Edition


The Childhood Years of the Two Charleses
A Bleak Childhood – 'Monseigneur Charles de Bohême' – France on the Eve of the Hundred Years' War – The Heroic Death of King John – The Childhood Years of the First Dauphin – Charles of Valois

Metz 1356: The First Meeting of the Two Charleses
The Holy Roman Empire at the Beginning of Charles IV's Reign – Charles' Court and Offices – The First Years of the Reign of King of the Romans Charles IV – Finally Emperor – Charles' Policy Concerning France – The Emperor's Christmas Reading in Metz – The First Imperial Banquet Following the Golden Bull

Dauphin Charles 1357–1364: Basking in Glory and Eclipsed
Caught in the Tide of the Urban Revolt – Peasant Uprising – The Jacquerie – The Peace Treaty of Brétigny – In the Shadow of His Father's Policies

France during the Reign of Charles V the Wise
The First Steps of the New King – In the Grip of Brigand Troops and Small Warfare – The Renewal of State Administration – The Reconquest of Lost Lands – The Intellectual Environment of the Court – Paris and Its Environs at the End of the Reign of Charles V

European Dimensions of Charles IV's Reign
Prague, Head of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown – Clerics and Scholars on Journeys: Prague – Paris – Avignon – Courtiers, Diplomats and Men in the Background – In the Public Eye: Court and Other Festivities, Rituals and Ceremonies – The Great Summits of Emperor Charles IV – An Unexpected Decision to Visit Paris – Late Arrival in France

An Introductory Word to the Readers


The Last Years of the Reign of Charles V – The Beginning of the Ecclesiastical Schism in the Head and in the Limbs – The Repercussions of the Schism in Prague and the Emperor's Death – Bohemia and France at the Beginning of the Reign of Wenceslas IV

Looking Back at the Existing Literature
I. The Account of the Great Chronicles of France and Associated Written Sources
II. Pictorial Series and Illustrations
III. King of France – Emperor in His Own Kingdom
IV. The Beautiful Orchestration – Belle Ordonnance
V. Welcoming Processions and Ceremonial Entries
VI. Nothing but Horses: Their Numbers, Types and Colours
VII. Clothes, Fabrics and Colours
VIII. Where the Emperor Stayed in Paris
IX. Ceremonial Banquets in the Palace de la Cité
X. Tableware
XI. The Menus of the Parisian Feasts
XII. Dramatic and Musical Productions during the Intermissions (Entremets)
XIII. The Gifts for the Emperor and His Retinue
XIV. Book Gifts, Relics and the Small Mysteries around Them
XV. The Final Account of the Expenditures of the King's Treasury

List of Abbreviations
Family Tree of the Valois Dynasty
Luxembourg Dynasty
Bibliography of sources and secondary literature
List of figures
List of miniatures
Name Index


In November 1377, Emperor Charles IV journeyed to France to visit his nephew, King Charles V. Ostensibly, the summit had three aims: to view holy relics, participate in a pilgrimage, and speak with the French monarch. In this magnificently illustrated and documented work, the meeting and its resultant declaration of imperial support for France against England are in some ways the least important topics covered. The prologue of the book covers almost 170 pages of text, providing details of the childhoods of both men, their first meeting in 1356, and the difficulties Charles V experienced in establishing his reign. An edition of the passage describing the summit from the Grandes Chroniques de France follows, to which Šmahel (medieval studies, Charles Univ., Prague) appends an analysis in a brief epilogue. The remainder of the work takes the form of "excursuses” or short sections investigating the historiography of the Grandes Chroniques, their illustrations, and topics of social and cultural import such as court etiquette, processions, horses, clothing, palaces, meals, and gifts. A cursory index and some inelegant translations do not diminish the value of a work that will introduce many readers to the extensive research of Czech scholars.

Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above.

L. C. Attreed (University of Chicago Press, CHOICE connect, January 2016 Vol. 53 No. 5)