The Development, Conceptualisation and Implementation of Quality in Disability Support Services

The Development, Conceptualisation and Implementation of Quality in Disability Support Services

Šiška, JanBeadle-Brown, Julie et al.

témata: sociální práce

e-kniha, 1. vydání
vydáno: srpen 2021
ISBN: 978-80-246-4966-5
formáty e-knihy PDF
doporučená cena: 290 Kč



Sociální služby pro občany se zdravotním postižením prošly v průběhu času, zejména v posledních dvou desetiletích, podstatnými proměnami. Tato kniha se věnuje některým z těchto trendů, a to především v souvislosti s vazbou mezi životní situací a podporou dostupnou v různých zemích. Zabývá se faktory, které k těmto změnám přispěly. Nedostatek dostupného a vhodného bydlení je sice pro život v běžném prostředí překážkou, ale pro mnoho lidí se zdravotním postižením je to pouze jedna z mnoha částí pomyslné skládačky. Tato kniha se věnuje i dalším aspektům toho, co je zapotřebí k uskutečnění faktické pozitivní změny v životě lidí se zdravotním postižením.


Section 1: The development of community living: Trajectories and turning points

1.1 Introduction to the book and to the development of community living
(Jan Šiška and Julie Beadle-Brown)

1.2 Deinstitutionalisation and community living: The past, the present and the future
(Julie Beadle-Brown, Milan Šveřepa, Jan Šiška with contributions from the late Jim Mansell)

1.3 25 years after deinstitutionalisation – current status of community living in Norway
(Jan Tøssebro)

1.4 The current situation regarding personal assistance and independent living in Sweden
(Johanna Gustafsson)

1.5 Ireland’s journey to a person-centred approach to disability support services
(Christine Linehan)

1.6 From hospitalisation to (de-?) institutionalisation: The challenges of implementing Art. 19 in Austria
(Gertraud Kremsner)

1.7 Independent living and community inclusion in Brazil
(Flavia H. Santos, Luciana M. Fonseca, Eder R. Silva)

1.8 Towards community-based disability support services in Czechia: Nearly there?
(Jan Šiška and Pavel Čáslava)

Section 2: Defining, measuring and ensuring high quality services

2.1 Definitions of quality and the importance of measuring and focusing on service quality
(Jan Šiška and Julie Beadle-Brown)

2.2 Ensuring quality – the living conditions approach in Scandinavia
(Jan Tøssebro)

2.3 Active Citizenship as a measure of outcomes and the quality of social services
(Šárka Káňová, Jan Šiška and Julie Beadle Brown)

2.4 Ensuring quality in practice – person-centred approaches
(Jill Bradshaw)

2.5 Promoting independence and safety with medication technology for people with disabilities
(Alaina Gallagher, Seunghee Lee, James Houseworth, and Betul Cakir-Dilek)

2.6 Personal assistance as a support for the quality of life of people with disabilities
(Magdalena Hanková, Soňa Kalenda and Julie Beadle-Brown)

Section 3: Making change at the systems level – what is needed for successful implementation of the UN-CRPD

3.1 Section 3 Overview: Introduction to system wide change
(Julie Beadle-Brown and Jan Šiška)

3.2 Balancing the rights of respect for autonomy and protection from harm: Lessons from the Mental Capacity Act 2005
(England and Wales) (Camilla Parker)

3.3 Definitions of and barriers to high-quality services and support, particularly in the context of independent living in Sweden
(Johanna Gustafsson)

3.4 Exploring the intellectual disability data landscape for policy and service directions: An Irish perspective
(Mary-Ann O’Donovan,Sarah Craig, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron and Elaine Byrne)

3.5 Measuring outcomes of people with disabilities in the US: Current challenges and opportunities
(Renáta Tichá, and Brian Abery)

3.6 The role of local planning in the implementation of the UNCPRD
(Johannes Schädler and Lars Wissenbach)


Authors’ biographies