Development of Test Baterries for Diagnostics of Motor Laterality Manifestation
Musálek, MartinThe aim of this book is focused on better understanding of laterality phenomenon and its evaluation. All informations are presented in se...
Link between Cerebellar Dominance and Hand Performance
published: march 2014
recommended price: 260 czk
Elektroencefalografické koreláty pohybového chování a výkonnostní zátěže
Pánek, DavidThis work focuses on the evaluation and interpretation of changes in electric activity in the brain during prolonged physical activity. I...
published: april 2017
recommended price: 140 czk
Fyziologické aspekty výkonu ve sportovním lezení
Baláš, JiříSport climbing has undergone rapid development over the past three decades: an activity pursued by several enthusiasts was transformed in...
published: june 2022
recommended price: 250 czk
K možnostem identifikace struktury sportovní talentovanosti
Perič, TomášThis publication presents the results of a survey focusing on finding the structure of giftedness with ice-hockey players aged 12. The ag...
published: november 2008
recommended price: 200 czk
K teorii vojenského plavání
Sýkora, Karel a kol.Military swimming is part of the special physical training in the Army of the Czech Republic. It refers to a complex of information and s...
published: may 2017
recommended price: 190 czk
Kondiční a somatické předpoklady ve vodním slalomu
Busta, Jan – Bílý, Milan – Suchý, JiříThis book, intended for trainers of water sports, especially canoe slalom, canoe sprint and wildwater canoeing, is particularly useful fo...
published: april 2021
recommended price: 250 czk
Lexikon sportovního tréninku
Dovalil, Josef a kol.This lexicon provides a modern explanation of a total of 211 frequently used terms concerning training, including fields connected with t...
published: march 2008
recommended price: 295 czk
Masáž a regenerace ve sportu
Hošková, Blanka – Majorová, Simona – Nováková, PavlínaThis textbook, Massage and Regeneration in Sport, is intended for students of sports schools and other people interested in sports, and i...
published: november 2020
recommended price: 150 czk
Plavání. Pohybový trénink ve vodě
Čechovská, Irena – Jurák, Daniel – Pokorná, Jitka
published: june 2024
recommended price: 150 czk
Počítačové zpracování tréninkové dokumentace
Suchý, JiříThis publication focuses on complex record keeping, processing and subsequent evaluation of the training process using examples of multi-...
vytrvalostní víceboje, lední hokej
published: january 2011
recommended price: 165 czk
Rozvoj silových schopností na nestabilních plochách
Jebavý, Radim
published: november 2017
recommended price: 180 czk