V souladu s přírodou

V souladu s přírodou

Kolářová, Marta

This book focuses on people who are not indifferent to the state of the planet and who embarked on a journey of a personal transformation...

Politika životního stylu, udržitelnost a soběstačnost

published: october 2022
recommended price: 240 czk


Farmaceutická chemie

Farmaceutická chemie

Zimčík, Petr a kol.

This textbook is primarily intended for students of the Pharmacy study program for practical exercises in the subjects Pharmaceutical Che...

Návody k praktickým cvičením

published: august 2022
recommended price: 130 czk


Prague and Central Bohemia

Prague and Central Bohemia

Ouředníček, Martin (ed.)

The theme of socio-spatial differentiation has belonged to the core issues of social geography and urban studies for a long time. The gen...

Current Population Processes and Socio-spatial Differentiation

published: june 2022
recommended price: 300 czk


Půda a její hodnota

Půda a její hodnota

Vejchodská, Eliška

Land as a space is something that can be owned, one of the factors of production and a natural resource. The amount of land is fixed and ...

Teorie a praxe

published: april 2022
recommended price: 270 czk
