The Evolution Myth

The Evolution Myth

Mejsnar, Jiří A.

The origins of life, species, and man continue to interest scientists and stir debate among the general public more than one hundred and ...

or The Genes Cry Out Their Urgent Song, Mister Darwin Got It Wrong

published: october 2014
recommended price: 240 czk




Malý, Petr

This textbook is based on a lecture on optics for physics students at the Mathematical-Physical Faculty at Charles University in Prague. ...

published: december 2013
recommended price: 355 czk


Příroda, nebo člověk?

Příroda, nebo člověk?

Nátr, Lubomír

Living organisms and inanimate structures on the Earth have perpetually influenced each other thus creating dynamic balance which allows ...

Služby ekosystémů

published: october 2011
recommended price: 335 czk
