Základy filozofie 20. století a etiky pro cizince
Straková Tomášová, Michaela
published: february 2015
recommended price: 90 czk
published: february 2015
recommended price: 90 czk
The collection of texts entitled Reflections on Myth includes myths from Old Testament as well as Greek, medieval, modern-era and contemp...
published: october 2014
recommended price: 270 czk
Irena Štěpánová in this book explores Isaac Newton’s engagement with ancient wisdom, the Hexameral tradition, Hermeticism, theology, alch...
published: september 2014
recommended price: 240 czk
published: december 2013
recommended price: 165 czk
This book considers the role of instrumentality in sport and its influence on the athlete. Instrumentality is defined as a means-ends rel...
published: october 2013
recommended price: 180 czk
Gilles Deleuze’s The Logic of Sense, fist published in 1969, is one of the main works by this French philosopher, before he started to co...
published: september 2013
recommended price: 350 czk
published: july 2013
recommended price: 125 czk
How to teach philosophy to young dissidents, excluded from higher education by the communist regime? The author of this book, Czech philo...
A Short Invitation to Philosophy
published: june 2013
recommended price: 250 czk
This publication, subtitled First Lectures on Set Theory, presents a picture of a remarkable world of ideas, which was established at the...
První přednášky o teorii množin
published: february 2013
recommended price: 230 czk
published: august 2012
recommended price: 105 czk
From the French original L´anthropologie face aux problemes du monde moderne translated into Czech by Josef Fulka. The publication consi...
published: may 2012
recommended price: 150 czk
Ian Shapiro has been recognized as one of the leaders in contemporary theories on democracy. His works are distinguished by a combination...
published: may 2012
recommended price: 325 czk