

Sandel, Michael J.

The book version of Professor Michael Sandel’s (Harvard) popular TV show offers briskly paced, amusing chapters illustrated by current ex...

Co je správné dělat

published: september 2015
recommended price: 350 czk


Obraz a moc

Obraz a moc

Fišerová, Michaela

Image and Power consists of two complementary parts, a synoptic essay and interviews with French thinkers. The first part introduces the ...

Rozhovory s francouzskými mysliteli

published: april 2015
recommended price: 230 czk


Úvahy o mýtu

Úvahy o mýtu

Novotný, David Jan

The collection of texts entitled Reflections on Myth includes myths from Old Testament as well as Greek, medieval, modern-era and contemp...

published: october 2014
recommended price: 270 czk


Logika smyslu

Logika smyslu

Deleuze, Gilles

Gilles Deleuze’s The Logic of Sense, fist published in 1969, is one of the main works by this French philosopher, before he started to co...

published: september 2013
recommended price: 350 czk


Thinking About Ordinary Things

Thinking About Ordinary Things

Sokol, Jan

How to teach philosophy to young dissidents, excluded from higher education by the communist regime? The author of this book, Czech philo...

A Short Invitation to Philosophy

published: june 2013
recommended price: 250 czk
