Žurnalistická profese 2.0

Žurnalistická profese 2.0

Jirků, Jan

The monograph, Journalist Profession 2.0, covers current trends in the media and journalism, as well as processes such as publicizing the...

published: august 2020
recommended price: 170 czk


Geologie médií

Geologie médií

Parikka, Jussi

A Geology of Media is based on the perspective of materialist and Post-Anthropocene thinking, which emphasizes the relationship of cultur...

published: march 2020
recommended price: 290 czk




Serres, Michel

The experience of the young generation represented by Thumbelina is radically different from the experience of her parents and teachers. ...

Esej o digitální revoluci

published: september 2019
recommended price: 150 czk


Čtvrtá revoluce

Čtvrtá revoluce

Floridi, Luciano

The evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) radically transforms not only how we understand the world and how we co...

Jak infosféra mění tvář lidské reality

published: february 2019
recommended price: 320 czk
