Prostory a geometrie
Kůrka, PetrOd Eukleida k Einsteinovi
published: may 2023
recommended price: 330 czk
Od Eukleida k Einsteinovi
published: may 2023
recommended price: 330 czk
published: february 2013
recommended price: 160 czk
This publication, subtitled First Lectures on Set Theory, presents a picture of a remarkable world of ideas, which was established at the...
První přednášky o teorii množin
published: february 2013
recommended price: 230 czk
It is typical of the mainstream 20th-century mathematics that examining infinity and applying it, although in bizarre ideal worlds, are b...
published: march 2015
recommended price: 100 czk
Newton and Leibniz’s discovery of infinitesimal calculus is still considered one of the greatest achievements of the human mind. And this...
published: january 2016
recommended price: 150 czk
Real numbers have been the sometimes hidden backbone of all infinite mathematics from their beginnings to the present day. These numbers ...
published: january 2016
recommended price: 90 czk
Infinite mathematics does not end with the non-existence of a set of all natural numbers. As a number of new valuable impulses come from ...
published: january 2016
recommended price: 120 czk
As early as 1899, Georg Cantor, the founder of the classical set theory, was aware of the fact that the class of all transfinite ordinal ...
published: january 2016
recommended price: 160 czk
The dominant current of twentieth-century mathematics, which simultaneously explores and applies infinity (albeit in bizarre ideal worlds...
published: august 2022
recommended price: 900 czk
The book focuses on probability metrics suitable for the characterization of random variables in Hilbert or Banach space. It provides det...
published: april 2006
recommended price: 105 czk
As the field of economics becomes ever more specialized and complicated, so does the mathematics required of economists. With Mathematics...
Made Simple
published: august 2010
recommended price: 275 czk
published: may 2024
recommended price: 115 czk