Atletika – Slovník odborných výrazů česko-anglický, anglicko-český
Koudelková, Andrea
published: march 2005
recommended price: 100 czk
Řeč vestoje
Šiktanc, KarelA new poem collection by Karel Šiktanc containing poems from after the year 2002. Poems are accompanied by the artistic photographs of Pa...
published: march 2005
recommended price: 155 czk
Základy gramatiky moderní hovorové tibetštiny
Dagnewa, TashiThis textbook is based on the author's long time experience with teaching the Tibetan language in the Library of Tibetan Works and Archiv...
published: april 2005
recommended price: 250 czk
Vzpomínky na Karla Rašku
Raška, IvanThis book contains remembrances by former co-workers and students of this important Czech epidemiologist and microbiologist, Professor Ka...
zakladatele moderní československé epidemiologie
published: april 2005
recommended price: 165 czk
Československo-francouzské vztahy v diplomatických jednáních [1940–1945]
Němeček, Jan a kol.A selection of significant documents by a collection of authors (Jan Němeček, Helena Nováčková, Ivan Šťovíček and Jan Kuklík) presents th...
published: april 2005
recommended price: 345 czk
Privatizace bez kapitálu
Kouba, Karel – Vychodil, Ondřej – Roberts, JitkaThree economists give their views on the course of Czech transformation and privatisation, based on their research and teaching activitie...
Zvýšené transakční náklady české transformace
published: may 2005
recommended price: 165 czk
Hromadné psychické jevy
Mikšík, Oldřich(Psychologie hromadného chování)
published: may 2005
recommended price: 220 czk
Japonská literatura 712–1868
Švarcová, ZdenkaThis publication represents the first systematical overview of Japanese literature in the Czech language. The first part of the book intr...
published: may 2005
recommended price: 375 czk
„Arizace“ a arizátoři
Jančík, Drahomír – Kubů, EduardThis monographic work of prominent Czech historians deals with the hitherto neglected problems, in both professional and popularizing lit...
published: may 2005
recommended price: 345 czk
Knihy a knihovny v českém středověku
Hlaváček, IvanThe book contains sixteen independent essays on medieval books, their writers, authors and owners. Professor Ivan Hlaváček reflects on th...
published: may 2005
recommended price: 325 czk
Jílové minerály
Weiss, Zdeněk – Weissová, KvětoslavaThis book summarizes the scientific knowledge of the nanostructure and crystal chemistry of minerals while focusing on the current topic ...
Jejich nanostruktura a využití
published: june 2005
recommended price: 355 czk