English for nursing and paramedical professions. Part 2
Cita, StanislavThe second volume of the language textbook for Bachelor degree programmes in health sciences that are offered at Charles University in Pr...
Optional topics, key, vocabulary
published: july 2012
recommended price: 230 czk
Lékařská sexuologie
Zvěřina, JaroslavUčební text pro studenty 1. lékařské fakulty UK v Praze
published: july 2012
recommended price: 95 czk
Učiňme člověka ke svému obrazu
Voldřichová Beránková, EvaThis study maps the literary development of the classical myth of Pygmalion, the Jewish legend of the Golem, and the fictional adaptation...
Pygmalion, Golem a automat jako tři verze mýtu o umělém stvoření (nejen) v Budoucí Evě Villierse de l’Isle-Adam
published: july 2012
recommended price: 325 czk
Využití hypoxie a hyperoxie ve sportovním tréninku
Suchý, JiříMaking use of higher altitudes is considered to be one of the main possibilities for increasing performance limits in sports. Three-week ...
published: june 2012
recommended price: 210 czk
Světová republika literatury
Casanova, PascaleThis book, translated into more than twelve languages, presents an original analysis of how to understand the rise, spreading and world-w...
published: june 2012
recommended price: 345 czk
Methodology of Science An Introduction
Ochrana, FrantišekThis publication covers the essential problems of the methodology of science. The methodology of science is understood to mean primarily ...
published: june 2012
recommended price: 180 czk
Skutečný svět demokratické teorie
Shapiro, IanIan Shapiro has been recognized as one of the leaders in contemporary theories on democracy. His works are distinguished by a combination...
published: may 2012
recommended price: 325 czk
Antropologie a problémy moderního světa
Lévi-Strauss, ClaudeFrom the French original L´anthropologie face aux problemes du monde moderne translated into Czech by Josef Fulka. The publication consi...
published: may 2012
recommended price: 150 czk
Denuklearizace Ukrajiny, Běloruska a Kazachstánu
Šír, JanTwenty years after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Czech book market has been presented with a Czech monograph outlining an importa...
published: may 2012
recommended price: 210 czk
Vývoj bojových sportů
Pavelka, Radim – Stich, JaroslavThe popularization of combat sports and some martial arts has been on the increase over the past thirty years. Originally, instruction fo...
published: may 2012
recommended price: 135 czk
A Handbook of Modern Business Office
Kaftan, MiroslavThis textbook of business English guides the students through the operation of modern companies and corporations. It presents specific co...
published: may 2012
recommended price: 285 czk