Facets of a Harmony

Facets of a Harmony

Ort, Jan

In this important contribution to contemporary Romani Studies, Jan Ort focuses his anthropological research on a village in eastern Slova...

The Roma and Their Locatedness in Eastern Slovakia

published: may 2022
recommended price: 350 czk


Sociální stratifikace

Sociální stratifikace

Šanderová, Jadwiga

This book, first published in 2000, was conceived as a textbook for a course that the scholar taught to first-year students of sociology ...

Problém, vybrané teorie, výzkum

published: may 2022
recommended price: 220 czk


Svět Václava Ciglera

Svět Václava Ciglera

Hvížďala, Karel

This long-awaited dialogue between two prominent figures – journalist and writer Karel Hvížďala and the doyen of fine arts, glass-maker, ...

published: may 2022
recommended price: 320 czk


Hotel Alcron

Hotel Alcron

Štemberk, JanJakubec, Ivan

Hotel Alcron became synonymous with and was a symbol of the Czech hotel industry. As a company, it is exceptional, because it survived al...

K dějinám symbolu českého a československého hotelnictví

published: april 2022
recommended price: 180 czk
