Otázka česko-německá v předvečer Velké války
Kazbunda, Karel
published: january 1995
recommended price: 105 czk
published: january 1995
recommended price: 105 czk
The most recent book by time-tested collaborating scholars brings another analysis, based on extensive research, of the period in Czechos...
published: february 2011
recommended price: 176 czk
The book discusses problems of unemployment in the inter-war Czechoslovakia in an international context. It focuses mainly on the legisla...
Nezaměstnanost v Československu v letech 1918–1938
published: december 2008
recommended price: 385 czk
The monograph, From Sarajevo to Hiroshima War and Peace in the First Half of the 20th Century, based on the theory of Raymond Aron and Jo...
Válka a mír v první polovině 20. století
published: march 2014
recommended price: 250 czk
This book analyzes the proposed ethnic statute in Czechoslovakia in 1938, which attempted to solve the complicated situation, in which th...
Národnostní statut a snahy o řešení menšinové otázky v Československu v roce 1938
published: october 2013
recommended price: 400 czk
This monograph, entitled From Hiroshima to Belgrade. War and Peace in the Second Half of the 20th Century, focuses on war and diplomatic ...
Válka a mír v druhé polovině 20. století
published: october 2014
recommended price: 275 czk
This work by the Czech historian František Kutnar, dealing with the birth of the modern sense of nationalism in the period of Czech Reviv...
Příspěvek k národnímu a společenskému obsahu češství doby obrozenské
published: june 2003
recommended price: 355 czk
This monograph on the history of letterpress and Czech book in the 16th–17th centuries characterizes the publishing house owners, their f...
published: september 2005
recommended price: 470 czk
This book is the first monograph devoted to the preaching of the Unity of Brethren in the 16th century against the backdrop of reformatio...
Reformní kazatelství Jana Augusty v kontextu homiletiky Jednoty bratrské
published: february 2021
recommended price: 360 czk
A majority of Czech population is familiar, either through direct experience or indirectly, with the phenomenon of spending time at weeke...
Chalupářství v českých zemích v období tzv. normalizace a transformace
published: june 2017
recommended price: 270 czk
In this last text he prepared for publication, world famous medievalist Jacques Le Goff (1924–2014) focuses on methodological principles ...
Na příkladu středověku a renesance
published: november 2014
recommended price: 165 czk
This reprint of the first part of the collected essays of Václav Pavlíček, a professor of constitutional law at Faculty of Law, Charles U...
published: july 2002
recommended price: 390 czk