Dějiny Francie
Duby, GeorgesThis representative monograph, written by 33 eminent French historians lead by the medievalist Georges Duby, deals with the history of Fr...
od počátků po současnost
published: april 2003
recommended price: 940 czk
Dějiny českých zemí
Pánek, Jaroslav – Tůma, Oldřich a kol.A History of the Czech Lands is the first systematic examination of Czech history from its prehistoric origins to the establishment of th...
published: september 2018
recommended price: 490 czk
Dějiny cisterckého řádu v Čechách 1142–1420. Svazek III
Charvátová, KateřinaMonasteries at the Bohemian Border and Beyond, is the third, updated and expanded volume of the History of Cistercian Order in Bohemia 11...
Kláštery na hranicích a za hranicemi Čech
published: may 2018
recommended price: 400 czk
Dějiny cisterckého řádu v Čechách 1142–1420. Svazek II
Charvátová, KateřinaThe second volume of A History of the Cistercian Order in Bohemia 1142–1420 presents a comprehensive description of the history of Czech ...
Kláštery založené ve 13. a 14. století
published: november 2014
recommended price: 400 czk
Dějiny cisterckého řádu v Čechách 1142–1420. Svazek I
Charvátová, KateřinaThe first volume of the History of Cistercian Order in Bohemia 1142–1420 focuses on the history of the five oldest Cistercian monasteries...
Fundace 12. století
published: april 2013
recommended price: 400 czk
Dějepisectví, germanistika a slavistika na Německé univerzitě v Praze 1918-1945
Konrád, OtaThis book represents, for the first time in a comprehensive format, the development of the most important humanities disciplines at the G...
published: june 2011
recommended price: 385 czk
Defending Nazis in Postwar Czechoslovakia
Drápal, JakubThis book tells the story of life of Kamill Resler, attorney who defended the most prominent Nazi tried in post-war Czechoslovakia: Karl ...
The Life of K. Resler, Defence Counsel ex officio of K. H. Frank
published: february 2018
recommended price: 400 czk
Čtvrt století střední Evropy
Křen, Jan25 Years of Central Europe focuses on the recent history of the Visegrad Four countries, which places them in the context of European and...
Visegrádské země v globálním příběhu let 1992–2017
published: may 2019
recommended price: 390 czk
Čeština pod hákovým křížem
Velčovský, VáclavA language is not just a means of communication, it is also perceived to be one of the facets of a nation. In politically tense times, pe...
published: february 2017
recommended price: 280 czk
Čeští Židé a jejich devatenácté století
Toman, JindřichTexty, diskuse, konflikty
published: october 2024
recommended price: 420 czk
Češi, Němci a mnichovská křižovatka
Kural, VáclavThis book deals with the problematic relations between the Czechs and Germans in the 20th century. The author describes the development o...
published: november 2002
recommended price: 230 czk