Ženy s kufříkem a nadějí

Ženy s kufříkem a nadějí

Lenderová, Milena a kol.

Midwives were always part of the local collective memory, perceived as an inseparable part of the community, similarly to a pastor, teach...

Porodní báby a asistentky v českých zemích od poloviny 19. do poloviny 20. století

published: january 2020
recommended price: 420 czk


Vzestup a pád ČSLA?

Vzestup a pád ČSLA?

Hlaváček, Jiří

A large number of stereotypes are associated with the military profession and the functioning of the military during the Communist regime...

Vojenská profese v kolektivní paměti důstojnického sboru (1960–1970)

published: february 2020
recommended price: 390 czk


Krizový management barokní ekonomiky?

Krizový management barokní ekonomiky?

Čechura, Jaroslav

This book focuses on two large demesnes in South Bohemia, Třeboň a Hluboká (known today as Hluboká nad Vltavou) during the process of tra...

Panství Třeboň a Hluboká nad Vltavou za prvních Schwarzenberků (1660–1720)

published: february 2020
recommended price: 390 czk


Univerzita jako úřad?

Univerzita jako úřad?

Sekyrková, Milada

This monograph focuses on the administration of the Prague university and examines typical university documents, covering the period from...

Správní vývoj pražské univerzity od tereziánských reforem do roku 1950 a její písemnosti (s důrazem na období do roku 1850)

published: may 2020
recommended price: 290 czk


Mission: Apostolic Nuncio in Prague

Mission: Apostolic Nuncio in Prague

Šmíd, Marek

In this book, the author gets to the heart of Czechoslovak-Vatican relations, the personalities of the apostolic nuncios, and their furth...

Czechoslovakian-Vatican Diplomatic Relations between 1920 and 1950

published: july 2020
recommended price: 420 czk


Záhada nemoci Karla IV.

Záhada nemoci Karla IV.

Ramba, Jiří

In this collection of papers, which were previously published in journals and in books, experienced facial traumatologist Jiří Ramba pres...

Osobnosti českých dějin z perspektivy obličejové chirurgie

published: september 2020
recommended price: 330 czk
