Uprostřed Evropy

Uprostřed Evropy

Šmahel, František

This book consists of 28 essays in which the author approaches the historical role of the Czech lands in the context of late medieval cen...

České země na konci středověku

published: march 2022
recommended price: 590 czk


Univerzita jako úřad?

Univerzita jako úřad?

Sekyrková, Milada

This monograph focuses on the administration of the Prague university and examines typical university documents, covering the period from...

Správní vývoj pražské univerzity od tereziánských reforem do roku 1950 a její písemnosti (s důrazem na období do roku 1850)

published: may 2020
recommended price: 290 czk


Univerzita a republika

Univerzita a republika

Suchánek, Drahomír (ed.)

This collection of essays includes contributions delivered during the conference The University and the Republic, 1918–2018, organized by...

Vybrané příspěvky z konference

published: april 2021
recommended price: 190 czk


Turistická odysea

Turistická odysea

Mücke, PavelKrátká, Lenka (ed.)

The collective monograph, The Tourist Odyssey, represents a fundamental shift in the research of various forms of tourism in Czechoslovak...

Krajinou soudobých dějin cestování a cestovního ruchu v Československu v letech 1945 až 1989

published: february 2019
recommended price: 490 czk


Tři životy

Tři životy

Šmídová, Lucie

This book presents the life of political prisoner František Falerski (1927–1969). In his childhood and youth, his personality was shaped...

František Falerski – skaut, politický vězeň a osobnost K 231

published: february 2018
recommended price: 210 czk


Totalismus a holismus

Totalismus a holismus

Palouš, Radim

This book, written by his student, Radim Palouš, and published on the anniversary of Jan Patočka’s death, contemplates on existence both ...

published: march 1997
recommended price: 140 czk


The Stojka family

The Stojka family

Hajská, Markéta

The book traces the history of a Romani family from the territory of today’s Slovakia across the 19th and 20th centuries. Working with a ...

Spatial mobility and territorial anchoredness of Lovara Vlax Roms in the former Czechoslovakia

published: december 2024
recommended price: 600 czk
