Studentské hnutí odporu
Šárka, JosefThe personality of Josef Šárka (1918–2008) is connected with significant milestones in the fight against totalitarian regimes in Czechosl...
published: november 2019
recommended price: 290 czk
The personality of Josef Šárka (1918–2008) is connected with significant milestones in the fight against totalitarian regimes in Czechosl...
published: november 2019
recommended price: 290 czk
Karolína Pauknerová’s book uncovers the variability of ways in which memory becomes part of landscape, sediments in it, reproduces and di...
Studie z Čech
published: november 2019
recommended price: 330 czk
This book represents the first Czech history of drama in the United States of America, from its beginnings in the mid-17th century throug...
Dějiny starší americké dramatiky
published: december 2019
recommended price: 420 czk
What do preserved program flyers, scenic designs, critical reviews and comments reveal? Can we reconstruct what the direction and directo...
Tvorba operního režiséra Miloše Wasserbauera v padesátých a šedesátých letech 20. století
published: december 2019
recommended price: 330 czk
Příběhy pěti žen, které ovlivnily podobu sociologického výzkumu
published: january 2020
recommended price: 160 czk
Midwives were always part of the local collective memory, perceived as an inseparable part of the community, similarly to a pastor, teach...
Porodní báby a asistentky v českých zemích od poloviny 19. do poloviny 20. století
published: january 2020
recommended price: 420 czk
Kulturní roviny českého motorismu
published: january 2020
recommended price: 250 czk
This textbook is designed for international students who are preparing for entrance exams at Czech universities, focusing on history and ...
Studijní texty pro zahraniční studenty
published: january 2020
recommended price: 150 czk
Every five years from 1955 to 1985, mass Czechoslovak gymnastic demonstrations and sporting parades called Spartakiads were held to mark ...
The Politics of Physical Culture in Communist Czechoslovakia
published: january 2020
recommended price: 480 czk
This second and last volume of the Biographical Dictionary of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, 1945–2008, concludes the...
published: february 2020
recommended price: 270 czk
A large number of stereotypes are associated with the military profession and the functioning of the military during the Communist regime...
Vojenská profese v kolektivní paměti důstojnického sboru (1960–1970)
published: february 2020
recommended price: 390 czk
This book focuses on two large demesnes in South Bohemia, Třeboň a Hluboká (known today as Hluboká nad Vltavou) during the process of tra...
Panství Třeboň a Hluboká nad Vltavou za prvních Schwarzenberků (1660–1720)
published: february 2020
recommended price: 390 czk