Otázka česko-německá v předvečer Velké války
Kazbunda, Karel
published: january 1995
recommended price: 105 czk
Vlastenci proti okupaci
Kural, VáclavThe topic of this book is the "second set" of Czech anti-Nazi resistance movement from 1940–1943. It focuses on the resistance, known as ...
Ústřední vedení odboje domácího 1940–1943
published: july 1997
recommended price: 125 czk
Útěk od praporů
Durman, KarelDurman’s text is a fascinating synthesis of the history of the inner developments as well as the foreign policy of USSR and the Communist...
Kreml a krize impéria 1964–1991
published: september 1998
recommended price: 230 czk
Londýnský exil a obnova československého státu 1938–1945
Kuklík, JanOn the bases of analyses of historical law, Jan Kuklík presents the study of several selected problems connected with the Czechoslovak go...
published: december 1998
recommended price: 160 czk
Cesty české historiografie 1945–1989
Hanzal, JosefThis account of the development of Czech historiography and the lives of its authors within 1945–1989 is a loose proceeding of The distin...
published: april 1999
recommended price: 225 czk
Hodža versus Beneš
Kuklík, Jan – Němeček, JanThis book, written by Czech historians, is an account of the relationship of two prominent politicians of Czechoslovak history in the per...
Milan Hodža a slovenská otázka v zahraničním odboji za druhé světové války
published: june 1999
recommended price: 230 czk
Jaroslav Goll a Josef Pekař ve víru války světové
Kučera, Martin (ed.)This comprehensive monograph from the unpublished works of historian Karel Kazbunda, completed and edited by Martin Kučera, is an account...
published: june 2000
recommended price: 105 czk
Němci v Praze 1861–1914
Cohen, Gary B.An American historian traces the political, social and cultural history of the Prague Germans from 1861 (when Czechs gained the majority ...
published: october 2000
recommended price: 285 czk
Vznik Třetí internacionály
Hájek, Miloš – Mejdrová, HanaFor political reasons this book has been published with more than a twenty year delay, since the compltion of the manuscript. The authors...
published: december 2000
recommended price: 315 czk
Malá dohoda 1919–1938
Sládek, ZdeněkThis is an account of the history of the inter-war central European bloc formed by Czechoslovakia, Yuoguslavia and Romania. The author st...
published: december 2000
recommended price: 270 czk
Quadrilog (Bohumil Havránek, Zdenka Havránková, Roman Jakobson, Svatava Pírková-Jakobsonová. Vzájemná korespondence 1930-1978)
Toman, Jindřich – Havránková, Marie – Weigel, PavelPrivate correspondence of Roman Jakobson (1896?1982) and Bohuslav Havránek (1893-1978), the two leading representatives of the Prague Lin...
published: may 2001
recommended price: 120 czk