Vlastenci proti okupaci

Vlastenci proti okupaci

Kural, Václav

The topic of this book is the "second set" of Czech anti-Nazi resistance movement from 1940–1943. It focuses on the resistance, known as ...

Ústřední vedení odboje domácího 1940–1943

published: july 1997
recommended price: 125 czk


Útěk od praporů

Útěk od praporů

Durman, Karel

Durman’s text is a fascinating synthesis of the history of the inner developments as well as the foreign policy of USSR and the Communist...

Kreml a krize impéria 1964–1991

published: september 1998
recommended price: 230 czk


Hodža versus Beneš

Hodža versus Beneš

Kuklík, JanNěmeček, Jan

This book, written by Czech historians, is an account of the relationship of two prominent politicians of Czechoslovak history in the per...

Milan Hodža a slovenská otázka v zahraničním odboji za druhé světové války

published: june 1999
recommended price: 230 czk


Němci v Praze 1861–1914

Němci v Praze 1861–1914

Cohen, Gary B.

An American historian traces the political, social and cultural history of the Prague Germans from 1861 (when Czechs gained the majority ...

published: october 2000
recommended price: 285 czk


Malá dohoda 1919–1938

Malá dohoda 1919–1938

Sládek, Zdeněk

This is an account of the history of the inter-war central European bloc formed by Czechoslovakia, Yuoguslavia and Romania. The author st...

published: december 2000
recommended price: 270 czk
