Kooperativní učení a vyučování
Kasíková, HanaTeoretické a praktické problémy
published: april 2001
recommended price: 155 czk
Teoretické a praktické problémy
published: april 2001
recommended price: 155 czk
Vývoj, inspirace, současné problémy
published: december 2009
recommended price: 155 czk
This monograph analyzes and describes the issues concerning the drill of scientific presentations, specifically oral and written presenta...
Nácvik ústního a písemného referátu na české vysoké škole v česko-německém interkulturním prostředí
published: june 2011
recommended price: 240 czk
Educating Romas is a work based on historic information about the Roma national minority and captures its efforts on its assimilation and...
published: july 2011
recommended price: 165 czk
The study Evaluating the development of the learning to learn competency in classwork has been created for the following reasons: a) The ...
published: august 2012
recommended price: 115 czk
This publication is based on materials collected as part of Polish-Czech and Czech-Polish translation seminars held at the Faculty of Art...
published: august 2013
recommended price: 200 czk
This book is about the construction and analysis of tests with a specific emphasis on testing needs of medical schools. It should serve a...
Konstrukce a analýza testů na lékařských fakultách
published: september 2013
recommended price: 190 czk
This book presents the results of research conducted as part of the “Critical Areas in Elementary School Mathematics” project, under the ...
published: february 2016
recommended price: 440 czk
This monograph presents papers delivered during the round table held on April 30, 2014, organized by the Department of the French Languag...
published: march 2016
recommended price: 200 czk
The psychology of lifelong development as an independent discipline was established in the latter half of the 20th century. Unlike tradit...
published: december 2016
recommended price: 340 czk
The textbook, Methodology and the Logic of Research in Musical Pedagogy, is intended for students of music education of all types of stud...
published: november 2017
recommended price: 220 czk